The Philippines!! post #1
We got to the San Fran. Airport and weretold to do a
treasure hunt. So we got out our coloured pencils and
drew out our "clues" :)

I think this picture explains itself!

The beautiful view from our hotel lol

A nice little note on our key card holders :)

We had just arrived at our hotel and Eric found a staff member
who had a hurting wrist and prayed for him... Healed :)
we had only been off the bus for about 5 min.
Cool decorations at the mall right by our hotel

Our team praying for Pastor Hiram and his wife

Debora doing prophetic art/writing

Worship at our first conference

Prayer time!!

This was at our activation (outreach time) that we did after
our conference. We trained people at the conference and
then took them out into the community to practice :)
This guy is apparently a really famous singer in the Philippines.
His name is Jude Mathew, he came and did a performance to help
draw a crowd and bless the people (he's a christian)
Petra did amazing with the balloons, as usual!!

My interpreters giving out prophetic photos

Body art...

Marc and Kevin entertaining the crowd

the kids got as close as they possibly could to watch

More body art...

The drama was awesome

It was pretty difficult to get to the front of the crowd to see...

Clothes drying, right near our stage, I got a little distracted :)

All those hands are up for salvation :) yeah God!!

This lady is also very famous (Dulce)
in the Philippines apparently.
she is a singer and an actress! Such a blessing! the people loved her!
People were even appearing on roofs and balconies to watch

He simply wanted to see what was going on!

The painting I did during worship the 1st sunday

Checkin out the service

Me dancin :)
The kids

Hands up for salvation at the sunday morning service, South City church.

Ixil being awesome!!

A man taking the first steps away from his wheelchair

The empty wheelchair, as far as I know he didn't return to it
but I'm not certain (just being honest)

Eric praying for a little boy

This little girls legs were 2 different lengths, Ixil prayed, this
is the before shot


Everyone at the meeting was given a sandwich and juice

The seniors home really liked my painting, they said they were
going to hang it in their lobby so that everyone who came
in would be encouraged!


This little girl was watching us pray during our treasure hunt
that afternoon

Distracted by bright colours again

thats all for now! I've got to get more homework done
before I can put any more pictures up lol
(this was only day 1 & 2)
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