Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Philippines post #3

This little girl was from the Home for Abused
Women and Children. She was deaf and mute, but
she let Ixil pray for her and she stared to be able to hear
a little bit out of one ear :) they stuck together for the rest
of the day!!
Marc and Kevin...
At this school we had an assembly line making things out of balloons,
it was intense!! lol I think we made about 300!!
Pretty flowers!!
A shot of the volcano from the golf course we had dinner at
Presenting art to Vice Mayor Baby, Aline made this one!
At the orphanage we got to be the entertainment for a birthday party!
it was awesome!!
Beautiful Suvi singing over the kids

Their playground
This was from the "show" we did in the community near the orphanage.
Almost everyone raised their hand for salvation and we saw quite a
few healings also

Not sure what to think about that face paint!
This amazing young lady had stage 4 cancer, it was her 19th birthday
and she asked us to come and pray with her. This was her at the
beginning. She couldn't really speak and she couldn't move. You
could tell she was in a lot of pain... take a look at the next picture!!
She got up and was dancing and laughing with Suvi!! :)
Theresa Speaking at the conference in Los Banos
We activated the Filipino's in face painting!!
and drawing
This was our last day we got to go to this nice resort, these
light covers are made out of shells and to put some perspective
on it the long one in the middle was probably about as tall as me!
the pool!! :)
The team havin some fun!!
We went for a little nature walk... flowers!!

We felt like we were in Jurassic Park!!

And then we headed back to Manila and back to Redding
Thats the end of the adventure!!
Thank you to everyone who supported our team!! You've changed lives!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Philippines post #2

The ocean just outside of the Mall of Asia (this was on our
day off)

This was at a dinner theater it was a really cool show and I
have some great pictures of my teammates, but for their sake
I decided not to put them up here :) lol

On the left is Pastor Wendy, she is in charge of Metro Ministries
Manila and on the right is my friend Kristen

Our group at the Senators house

These pictures are from the dump in Manila, I wish we could have
stayed here longer!!
Metro ministries comes here weekly and does a service and feeds
the kids, we got to help them out!

Getting ready for face-painting!

This is how the little girl in the previous picture gets around,
her friends pull her in this broken child's suitcase

I'm not sure that I took this picture, it may have been someone else
on my team while I was in the drama

This little girl was adorable! She just hugged me the whole time
and wouldn't let go!! Not that I wanted to either lol

More proof i was there!

This is the hospital that we went to in Calamba City
We prayed for this lady and she told us she was feeling better,
although she doesn't look very happy here lol

This was part of our first dinner in Los Banos... I ate that! Willingly!

Still more to come!