Monday, June 21, 2010

Studio Lighting
Low key

More of Calgary
Pretty white flowers in some random persons garden ;)

Yet another tree!
Haha sneaking through peoples yards!! jk I stayed on the
sidewalk like a good girl.

yay for pictures!

Friday, June 18, 2010

I don't think these pictures need much more explanation than that!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Studio Lighting
These are some shots i took in my studio lighting class,
the lighting looks good to me :)

sooo much fun!! another shoot on wednesday!
Thank you Kristin and Alanna
These are some pictures i took for my classes at SAIT
The assignment for this one was movement!! can you tell :)
Ok, so this picture was taken before i started to pluck the strings but it
was part of my movement assignment all the same!

I got distracted and took some pics that had NOTHING to do with my homework!
sometimes distracted can be a good thing i guess haha

These are from my wedding photography class

yay for fun pictures!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

More Fun!!
I got to tag along with Tessa Perkins for a wedding!
It was sooooo much fun!! thanx tessa!!! (

Out boating with my bro
the bow river
and a railing, i thought this picture would fit in nicely with the rest haha
Still more to come!
some day these wont be so random!! :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Out and about
With the mountain patrol jk
Water in the creek!! woohooo!!
Tiger lily :)
Takakaw Falls
I have no idea what these flowers are called...

Moms garden again
Hikin in the mountains